Requesting your own or employee’s FBI National Background Check is quick, easy and convenient.
Schedule Your Visit Online
Location Avalon Park Zipcode 32828 or Call (877)614-4364 to schedule your fingerprinting appointment or just walk-in with your form or FD-258 for a manual ink print.
We also represent companies to complete Form I-9 verification of the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired.
Receive your results securely and conveniently online through our Reports Management Portal.
Online Pricing – You can ask about flat fee $50 that covers Livescan fingerprint collection, FBI fee and access to the Reports Management Portal to view your report. Call (877)614-4364.
Hardcopy Fingerprint Card version: [Download FBI FD-258 Hard Copy Fingerprint Card]
Hardcopy Version $10 + mailing
- Please do not fold the fingerprint card(s) when mailing them to the agency(s) that are requesting your fingerprints.
- Also, please mail them in a large envelope.
What personal information do I need to complete to register?The FBI requires the following demographic information to conduct a fingerprint-based background check:
- Name
- Alias (if any)
- Country of Citizenship
- Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
- City and State of Birth
- Sex/Gender
- Race
- Height
- Weight
- Eye Color
- Hair Color
- Home Address
- Phone Number
- E-mail Address
Your Fingerprinting Appointment:
What do I need to bring to my fingerprinting appointment?
Two (2) forms of identification, at least one (1) of which must be a valid government-issued photo ID
Your appointment number
What types of ID are accepted?
Acceptable Primary IDs include:
- State-Issued driver’s license
- State-Issued non-driver identity
- U.S. Passport
- Military Identification Card
- Work Visa w/ Photo
- Foreign Passport
- DOD Common Access Card
- Foreign Driver’s License
Acceptable Secondary IDs include:
- Bank Statement/Paycheck Stub
- Utility Bill
- Credit Card/Debit Card
- Marriage Certificate
- Birth Certificate
- School ID w/ Photograph
- Vehicle Registration/Title
- Voter Registration Card
- Draft Record
- Social Security Card
- Transportation Worker ID Credential (TWIC Card)
- Certificate of Citizenship
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Native American tribal document
- Permanent Resident Card (I-551)